Saturday, June 15, 2013

96th day, Antananarivo - Back again, a stranger again

Back in Tana. The circle is closing. I am staying at the same hotel as I did on my arrival to Madagascar. But there is no excitement and anxiousness in the face of the upcoming adventure. Just a numb feeling of loneliness and melancholy, after the many goodbyes of the last 2 days and the countless good moments spent with my new-won friends in Toliara, whom I had to leave before really getting to know them. Strange to be back here. I am still in the same country, but this is not my city and I don’t know anyone here. I am a stranger again. As I was in the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Marie,
    Thank You very much for the bolg and the insights to your life and experience. Again, I please You to go on writing. You are gifted and it is a big pleasure to read your touching words.
    Bear hugs,
