And we do
see them! Ringtails and Brown lemurs, closer than I would have dared to hope.
They come to the campground around midday, savaging on the garbages the
tourists have left after their picknick. I can’t stop taking pictures, the lemurs
are not only incredibly photogenic with their beautiful faces and elegant
bodies, they also are in permanent movement, doing something different every
moment. The moments when one of them turns his head to me and, for a second,
his amber coloured eyes meet mine, are truly special.
But it’s
not only for the lemurs that Isalo was well worth the visit. The red sand rock
formations, steep canyons and dry forest landscapes provide the perfect
backdrop for scenic hikes and encounters with less spectacular animals, such as
30-centimeters long stick insects, red-and-black grasshoppers or giant spiders.
Weird to be
back in Toliara that night. I have gotten the taste of exploring Madagascar’s
nature, remembering that this is probably half of the reason why I came here in
the first place. I’ll be back as soon as possible.